Thrive with Meaning Webinar Series by Pathways

Harnessing Inner Strength: Unleashing the Hidden Power of Stress and Anxiety in Meaningful Work

Join us to explore how stress and anxiety can be transformed into powerful sources of strength, particularly in high-pressure environments like healthcare. Learn to recognize the signs of stress and anxiety, and discover how to shift from distress to eustress—unlocking your inner strengths to overcome challenges. You’ll gain practical tools to manage these emotions effectively, enabling you to navigate stress in a way that fuels your growth, resilience, and success. In 60-minutes:

Get the Facts

Discover the science behind stress and anxiety and learn how these emotions can be harnessed as powerful tools for personal and professional growth.

Unpack the Findings

Understand how stress affects your thoughts, body, emotions, and behaviors, revealing its challenges and its potential to become a hidden strength.

Learn About Actions

Explore practical ways to shift from distress to eustress, managing these emotions and channeling them into positive energy that drives resilience.

The webinar will be recorded and made available to all registered participants after the session, along a digital toolkit with key points, resources, and supporting materials.